英日字典: close_up
The close_up has 5 Senses.
- at close range, close up
- 近距離で, 至近距離で, 短距離で, 近距離から
- very close; "without my reading glasses I can hardly see things close up"; "even firing at close range he missed"
- 非常に近い
- close, close up, fold, shut down, close down
- 終わる, 閉会, 閉じる, 閉場, 閉館, 閉業, 終える, 閉幕, 仕舞う, 閉山, 手仕舞, 了う, 閉鎖, 閉所, 手仕舞い, 閉院, 閉校, 終了, 終う, 閉まる, 閉める, 終る, 閉止, 休校, 閉扉, 閉園, 終業, クローズ
- cease to operate or cause to cease operating; "The owners decided to move and to close the factory"; "My business closes every night at 8 P.M."; "close up the shop"
- 作動するようにする、または作動を停止するようにする
- jam, block, occlude, obstruct, close up, impede, obturate
- 閉塞, 塞ぐ, 閉ざす, 塞げる, ブロック, 壅塞, 閉鎖, 封じる, 壅ぐ, 遮る, 封鎖, 壅塞阻止, 遮断, 断つ, 封ずる
- block passage through; "obstruct the path"
- 通行を妨げる
- close, close up
- 閉じる
- unite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of; "close the circuit"; "close a wound"; "close a book"; "close up an umbrella"
- 先端を結合する、接触させる、接合する
- dummy up, keep mum, button up, close up, belt up, shut up, be quiet, clam up
- 黙する, 噤む, 黙りこくる, 口をつぐむ, つぐむ, 閉口, 黙る
- refuse to talk or stop talking; fall silent; "The children shut up when their father approached"
- 話しをすることを拒否する、またはやめる
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